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I’m just torn up inside about this whole situation. Maybe I just need to get away.”“Like a vacation?” I said.She shook her head slowly, “No, like permanently.”“Have we really wrecked things so badly that you would want to run away?”“I don’t know that I can stay, either.”“Jos, I need you.”“And I need you, but I can’t be here. I just can’t. Not like this. Not now.”I had no idea what to say or do. I’d actually reached a place of equilibrium, and I’d felt good about it. Unfortunately, it hadn’t even lasted a week. I need to talk to someone, and normally it would have been Jocelyn, but that was what was upsetting the balance! That left my mom, or perhaps, Angie. Either of them could provide a sounding board, and to me it seemed as if Angie was a better choice.I sort of surprised myself at that line of thought, but we’d had so many conversations since she’d started hanging out with me, not as a girlfriend, but as a very close friend with whom I spent a lot of time. All of those moments had. My heart was pounding in my chest. Breathing getting more shallow. 'Ok... ' I thought. 'I need to get this under control.''I should be enjoying this! I came here today to be naked in front of people! This is the most un believable opportunity!"My pep talk was beginning to work. My breathing was getting deeper. I was calming down. Then a funny thing began to happen. As the cool breeze caressed me, my skin began to tingle. My nipples were getting hard in anticipation... wonderful anticipation! I looked up, startled at the realization that the first pair of walkers was passing by me. They were about fifty feet away at the waters edge looking up at me. I'm sure from that distance they weren't completely sure what they were seeing. 'Was I really naked... or was I just wearing some sort of skin colored suit?" Hmmm... I love it!" This was definitely a case where the native New Englanders normally reserved demeanor would work in my favor. Most people here will barely look at you, let alone.
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